Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stuck in the Middle

So I cannot get back into school fast enough. It's been 3 years and I feel like I've been away for too long. When I graduated, I considered going to grad school right away and decided I really needed a break. Funny how some time away can make you change your mind. It's not that I miss being in college that much (ok I won't lie, who wouldn't want to go out every night and sleep until noon everyday?!) but I miss learning and feeling like I'm growing in some significant way each day. I think that's one reason I'm trying to really commit to this blog and to following other blogs. I guess this is becoming pretty typical of my generation, but I'm really to the point where I get most of my news/knowledge of community/world events/etc. from blogs and tweets. I used to think that was crap for hippies and nerds, but then I realized - I might be kind of a hippie and nerd. So I guess it fits.

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to get all of these timelines to add up correctly in order to slam out a Master's degree, then business school while maintaining some sort of life and full time (and sometimes a lot more than full time) job. Oh yah, and start a small business. I don't doubt I can do it, but everything is pretty scary! I don't like change, yet I constantly seek opportunities that require change. What's up with that? Anyone else heading back to school or already done it? Suggestions?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Why Do We Torture Ourselves Like This?!

My boss is an avid Orioles fan. Why? I have no friggin' clue. While I love that we can talk about baseball for hours at a time, sometimes I just want to stop and ask "WHY DO YOU STILL CARE?"! Let's face it, the Orioles are ridiculously awful. And even when they were good, they had things like this:

Virtually everyone I know is a Cubs fan. Now, I don't know why anyone would want to be a Cubs fan even if they were winning anything ever, but uhm, they're not winning anything either.

So my question is: why are we so loyal? Why do we even care in the first place?

I can't seem to come up with anything good other than cliches. We want to root for the underdog. We want to feel like part of the team. We're living vicariously through our favorite athletes.

What's up with that? Why do I care?!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Ok, so here's the deal. Apparently I suck at Blogging and Twitter, but I'm awesome at updating my Facebook profile with stupid, meaningless crap. Thus, I am trying to be not-so-sucky at the Blogging/Twitter part because frankly, I find both of these more interesting than Facebook updates.

So, that being said, here is a new blog entry. Try to contain your excitement.

I suppose my desire to be an actual not-sucky blogger was inspired by my buddy Pham, who was visiting NYC from Chicago for the 20sb NYC meetup this weekend. While I don't think I'll ever be the internet star he is, his work really does inspire me to document more of my life, thoughts, etc. I think I have a pretty freakin' sweet life and would like to remember this stuff when I'm like a million years old.

So Phammy and I spent the day running (and sitting in the shade) around NYC. We walked most of the way across the BK Bridge (it's shorter than I remember - weird), ate some ridiculously good pizza (Bella Vita in case anyone cares), and took an AC break at the Apple Store on 5th Ave. It was a freakin' hot but very fun day.

While I'm writing this I suppose I should be doing some work, as I'm flying back to NORMAL, IL Wednesday night to participate in an Extreme Makeover: Home Edition build! I'm totally excited and can't wait to help out. Wish I knew more right now, but I don't. They don't release the location of the build until the design team knocks on the lucky family's door! Anyway, I don't even care, I'm just psyched to be able to say that I played a small role in this huge endeavor. It's funny because I always thought it would just be really cool to see the house built and support the show I love, but as I wrote that previous sentence I'm realizing just what this really is about. I mean, I've never participated in something that could be so totally life changing as this. Anyway, I'm totally psyched. Plus, I'm totally excited to hang with the parents for a few days without the pressure of whatever event I usually have going on when I head home.

Since my last blog a million years ago, we've adopted E's dog from home. Uhm, she's the cutest dang dog ever. She also might be the laziest, but frankly, that's part of the reason I love her so much. It's easy to own a dog that sleeps 18 hours a day.

I pretty much stopped blogging when I broke my stupid foot running a stupid race. There's nothing much worse than running an awesome race (in the cold and rain), only to find out that some jerk stole your iPhone, credit cards, house key, and driver's license from your bag at the bag drop. Oh yah, and to also find out 3 days later you suffered a stress fracture as a result of the race. Well, in my experience...it sucks. Oh well, another life experience I suppose.

I guess I should go do that work now.

I promise I'll be back soon :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm a total poser

Sooo... I'm currently getting ready to go out and meet up with the 20sb NYC meetup. I guess technically I have a blog.........

Monday, April 20, 2009

If it's broke...I'm trying to fix it.

Well, the new diet/fitness/lifestyle change has been put on hold, and I won't be running the long branch half marathon afterall. About an hour after running the Scotland run 10k, my foot started to hurt. Turns out I have a stress fracture, bursitis, and some tendon damage. Awesome. Anyway, looks like I'll be in this awesome boot thing for the next three weeks. Wheee!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring has not sprung!

I use this title as I sit outside freezing my booty off waiting for the train. It's not nearly as cold as yesterday, but still cold! It is also ridiculously sunny today-something I usually am not able to experience unless I leave work for some reason. I think I have finally figured out my horrible commute, now I just have to learn 1) how to wake up as early as I need to to get to the office on time and 2) to pretty much not have any spare time. Seriously folks, I would not recommend jumping into a 4-5 hour commute without having it all sorted out first. I'm lucky to have a lot of options, but none of them are fantastic. I guess that's what happens when you travel halfway across a state and back everyday.

In making-my-life-simpler-healthier-and-better news, I'm so far a failure! I spent so much time working last night that I didn't unpack anything, and the fresh direct guy got in too late to cook. And I didn't wake up in time to workout (or do anything else for that matter). BUT-tomorrow is a new day. Tonight my focus is to get some extra work in so I can leave to party with E Friday night, and maybe get a short run in. That would be awesome. Food wise we're set-it's stir fry night!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mobile Blogging

Hello Internet!!!!! I've missed you so. I think my last post was questioning whether or not to move. Well...we moved. :) From lease signing to move in I traveled to Illinois, Florida, and Pennsylvania and E had his own trip to the DR. Really all that means is the last few days have been total CHAOS! I'm looking forward to closing out Staten Island and only trying to keep one apartment organized and clean (I said TRY-this is new for us). I'm so glad we decided to make this move. Not only has it inspired us to re-evaluate how we live, the things we spend our money on, and what is important to keep, but it really has given us both a push to change our lives in other ways, namely health-wise. I've saved volumes of magazine articles outlining exercise techniques and ideas, healthy recipies, and general good health knowledge. If I ever figure out my crazy commute, I look forward to trying some of those out!

Mobile Blogging from here.

Call Congress to Support Legislation

Call Congress to Support Legislation

Posted using ShareThis

Monday, February 9, 2009

The City


Ok, this is ridiculous. I just turned on "The City" because frankly, I'm a little bored and was looking for something trashy to watch. I've never seen the show and am a little intrigued. Anyway, I literally had it on for about 20 seconds when there was a reference to NEW YORK CARES. I almost fell out of bed. At least it's some pretty sweet publicity. Now that I'll be trained to be a New York Cares Ambassador I can hang with the City girls...or not.

More stuff later - need sleepy.

Saturday, January 31, 2009



So. Friday night, E and I went to look at apartments. We definitely weren't going to sign a lease, and I think E really wasn't even interested in moving at all. Well, 2 hours later, we had signed about 200 pages (no joke) and set a move in date. HA! Funny how things work out. We got a crazy deal; it was so good another couple tried to fight us out of it. In the end, we both got apartments and about 5 other couples are S.O.L. Oops.

I'm completely in love with this place. I was kind of scared to sign because it seems TOO perfect, but...I dunno, maybe it IS perfect? The only problem I have is...

I kind of feel like it's a requirement I act like a huge douche bag if I live in this joint. Apparently this building is Phillipe Starck's "personal project". Needless to say, it's HEAVY on the design. If anyone wants to check it out, try dwellonwall.com. I NEVER thought I'd be moving in to a luxury building (actually was trying to stay away from it while apt hunting), but to be honest, this was a better deal than anything else I saw. Not sure E and I will really fit in but...whatever. :)

The big day is 6 weeks away, but I'll only be around to pack this weekend and one more weekend before the move. Yikes. I started packing today and uhm...packing SUCKS. I guess I expect to see instant progress, but there's so much crap everywhere...there's no progress at all.

To make matters worse, I'll miss about half a day of packing with all the superbowl hoopla tomorrow. Maybe I just shouldn't sleep? Oh well, everything will work out and I will have an awesome new home.

Thanks Staten Island, it's been fun.

Thursday, January 29, 2009



I had a really good day today. I know this might be a ridiculous thing to put in a blog, but frankly, I don't care. I do this as much for me as for you. So there. Sometimes I like to remember nice things later, so here we go:

1. It was sunny today. After the complete crap-fest yesterday was, this seemed like a really big deal to me.

2. Even though I was running late, and saw the bus fly by while I was still at the apt. complex front gate, I took off running and because of the long line of people waiting to get on, actually made the bus.

3. The bus apparently was empty enough that even with the long line I got a seat. Normally wouldn't be a big deal except making sharp turns on all these friggin' hills actually makes standing on the S42 kind of difficult. That is if I don't want to borderline sexually violate people as I fall into their laps.

4. I ran to the bus and didn't think I was 1.) Having a heart attack, 2.) Pulling a muscle, 3.) Running a lot farther than the 200 ft. to the bus stop. This sounds completely ridiculous, but marathon training has actually helped me run to the bus. Running making other aspects of my life better?! Maybe these running people were on to something.

5. Speaking of running people, I bought a Runner's World this morning and actually knew what the hell they were talking about. I won't lie, I felt kind of cool. With all the references to marathon running/training I was like booyah, I'm doing that.

6. I ended up leading half of the training lectures today, which is great because the day flies by and I'm not incredibly bored for half of the day.

7. I was a trouble-shooting BEAST today. Might not be a big deal (frankly, probably 25% of my job is figuring out what the hell is wrong with the finicky software anyway), but it was great validation that I'm actually really good at what I do. I guess it came at a good time since I'm generally.....really bored.

8. My co-trainer was carrying some kind of magical medicine that cured my ouchie tummy. I think she's some kind of magical medicine woman.

9. I actually got my eTicket, which was kind of up in the air, so I can definitely get to NFK 100 next weekend. That should be...interesting. I'm not sure I'm ready to re-enter the Newman Bubble. Especially after living my 'life of sin' and becoming...*gasp* kind-of-something-approaching-liberal-but-not-really-just-not-psychotically-religiously-conservative. Yah, this might get weird. At least I'll have one fellow sinner along with me for the ride.

10. I met with a broker who was actually a cool guy and got to see 8 Wall St. apartments. E said it best, it would be pretty badass to say we lived on Wall St. AND be able to eat...

11. Which takes me to dinner. Salad, bottle of Argentinian wine, mashed potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, 16 OZ STEAK. Good God, I love meat. (That's what she said)

12. Watch Illinois completely and totally SUCK against Minnesota. Ok so that's not really a plus, but I still enjoy watching the Illini. I think my ridiculous looking scarf/glove/puff-ball orange and blue hat set may have been cursed. I won't wear them Sunday and we'll see what happens.

13. I learned about a new baseball statistic and because I'm so horribly and lamely math-inclined, I got pretty excited. And in case anyone cares (I know, you don't), 13 days until pitchers and catchers report. Frankly, I don't care either, but at least it means we're moving toward baseball and that makes me really damn happy. Especially if ILL keeps up this poo-fest of not-basketball.

And now, if I may take a moment to outline my moving dilemma:
Awesome, huge, cheap Staten Island apartment


Awesome, ridiculously tiny, expensive Manhattan apartment.

Thoughts, comments, ideas, cash for my rent?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I miss my bike.


I'm angry. Five Boroughs Bike Tour is the same day as my marathon. WTF?! I guess there's always next year, but seriously? No fair. Luckily I have a list of at least three other bike tours in the area, so not all biking is lost. I miss my bicycle :( The good news is, if we actually decide to move to Manhattan, I can probably do some biking again. Hooray!

Monday, January 26, 2009



Too tired to write...5 miler tonight...yay for running...goodnight!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Believe In Zero


One more thing tonight:

Lots of really cool volunteer opportunities here!



Nothing makes Extreme Makeover: Home Edition better than finding out it's a 2 hour episode! Wheee!!! Tonight's episode: the parents are 25 with 4 kids plus are taking care of their nephew, the dad was shot through the neck in Iraq, a year after he miraculously survived his house was destroyed in a tornado, along with most of their rural Kansas town. It's all pretty crazy to think of what these people - younger than me - have/are gone/are going through. The design team is doing stuff for other town members and of COURSE my favorite is Miss Edna. She's 78 and looks as if she's afflicted by some sort of neurological disorder and somehow her rose garden survived the tornado. I have no idea what it is about the elderly that affects me so much, but it really does.

The best part about this show - for me - is that it provides weekly motivation to continue giving back to my community. After moving to NYC I truly think it was a combination of EMHE, Oprah's Big Give, and being tired of feeling sorry for myself that led me to start getting involved again. Who knew it would lead into this obsession with community service.

I've discovered recently one of my favorite parts of community service - it's starting to give me a chance to grow. I've been able to go from a volunteer to a team leader. Now I'm looking for more opportunities to transition to more of a community organizer role. Also, there are so many things I want to learn and do - with service you can always use or learn a new skill. I just hope that I can start to inspire other people to...basically get off their butts...and experience all the fantastic things I have and will.

Ok enough preaching, I have to get back to EMHE.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


So this has nothing to do with do-gooding or community involvement or any of my typical stuff - I just HAD to let everyone know that.......I have found the ultimate cookie.

York makes these 100 calorie cookie wafer stick things that taste just like a thin mint Girl Scout cookie. Seriously, they are amazing.

The End.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So after watching Illinois stomp all over Ohio State I was flipping through the channels and found..........AWAKENINGS. This is seriously the best movie I have ever seen. Ever. My mother once forbid me from watching it anymore because I am pretty much a worthless pile of tears for about 30 minutes after the movie is over. For a complete synopsis you can read more here. I'll give you my own synopsis, and unfortunately I can only do so sounding cliche: A doctor figures out how to pull a group of catatonic patients out of their suspended state. They are like 'real' people. Then the drugs stop working. Basically, appreciate your life. Seriously. To quote the film, "What we do know is that, as the chemical window closed, another awakening took place; that the human spirit is more powerful than any drug - and THAT is what needs to be nourished: with work, play, friendship, family. THESE are the things that matter. This is what we'd forgotten - the simplest things."

So yah, I have to go cry now. Watch it. Love it. Know what matters.

Oh yah, and my president is black. :)

Peace out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


So I just signed up for the New York Cares Leadership Conference. I'm pretty excited - the breakout sessions include:

Team Building
Conflict Management
Community Organizing

Honestly, I'm most excited about that last part. I feel like there's a lot more I could/should/want to do, and learning community organization techniques I think would be really helpful - especially if I end up applying for the Community Board. Frankly, I say people don't care a lot, but I wonder if people do care, they just don't know how to do anything about it.

Speaking of social change, I watched the Inaugural concert thing today and was shocked. I mean, other than almost breaking the TV because I had to sit through U2, it was really really good. There was a great rage of all kinds of talent. But about halfway through the cameras were on the crowd singing along and going crazy and I thought, "This is for the Inauguration? What the hell..." and then I remembered it was Obama. He certainly has changed they way people get involved with politics. I like it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


So apparently I was like on the Hudson when the US Airways plane crashed today. I don't know how you miss that, but I did.

Anyway, good work emergency people...sounds like things went pretty 'smoothly'...for a plane crash...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inaugural Stuff

Ok kids, cool stuff happening like -- now.

Tonight the CEO of Be The Change, Inc. appears on the Colbert Report 1130 EST(if you miss it - try www.hulu.com)!

Monday night is the Inaugural Youth Ball where Service is one of the the three themes. I have to say when I read this I was a bit surprised but so so excited!!! Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post anyone?) will be collecting videos of folks taking the Oath of Office. As Ms. Huffinton states "Barack Obama is not the only one being inaugurated on January 20th. We all are. This moment in history demands that we stop waiting on others -- especially others living in Washington D.C. -- to solve the problems and right the wrongs of our times. It's your inauguration, too!" Love it. For more information:


On an unrelated note, I'm considering applying for Staten Island's own Community Board 1. Hrm...

Finally, since I'll be slaving away on Monday, a quick shout out to MLK:

"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve."

P.S. Did I mention one of my resolutions was to stop sucking at this blog? Yah, well, it is.
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