Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stuck in the Middle

So I cannot get back into school fast enough. It's been 3 years and I feel like I've been away for too long. When I graduated, I considered going to grad school right away and decided I really needed a break. Funny how some time away can make you change your mind. It's not that I miss being in college that much (ok I won't lie, who wouldn't want to go out every night and sleep until noon everyday?!) but I miss learning and feeling like I'm growing in some significant way each day. I think that's one reason I'm trying to really commit to this blog and to following other blogs. I guess this is becoming pretty typical of my generation, but I'm really to the point where I get most of my news/knowledge of community/world events/etc. from blogs and tweets. I used to think that was crap for hippies and nerds, but then I realized - I might be kind of a hippie and nerd. So I guess it fits.

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to get all of these timelines to add up correctly in order to slam out a Master's degree, then business school while maintaining some sort of life and full time (and sometimes a lot more than full time) job. Oh yah, and start a small business. I don't doubt I can do it, but everything is pretty scary! I don't like change, yet I constantly seek opportunities that require change. What's up with that? Anyone else heading back to school or already done it? Suggestions?

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