Sunday, January 18, 2009


So I just signed up for the New York Cares Leadership Conference. I'm pretty excited - the breakout sessions include:

Team Building
Conflict Management
Community Organizing

Honestly, I'm most excited about that last part. I feel like there's a lot more I could/should/want to do, and learning community organization techniques I think would be really helpful - especially if I end up applying for the Community Board. Frankly, I say people don't care a lot, but I wonder if people do care, they just don't know how to do anything about it.

Speaking of social change, I watched the Inaugural concert thing today and was shocked. I mean, other than almost breaking the TV because I had to sit through U2, it was really really good. There was a great rage of all kinds of talent. But about halfway through the cameras were on the crowd singing along and going crazy and I thought, "This is for the Inauguration? What the hell..." and then I remembered it was Obama. He certainly has changed they way people get involved with politics. I like it.

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