Thursday, January 15, 2009


So apparently I was like on the Hudson when the US Airways plane crashed today. I don't know how you miss that, but I did.

Anyway, good work emergency people...sounds like things went pretty 'smoothly'...for a plane crash...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inaugural Stuff

Ok kids, cool stuff happening like -- now.

Tonight the CEO of Be The Change, Inc. appears on the Colbert Report 1130 EST(if you miss it - try!

Monday night is the Inaugural Youth Ball where Service is one of the the three themes. I have to say when I read this I was a bit surprised but so so excited!!! Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post anyone?) will be collecting videos of folks taking the Oath of Office. As Ms. Huffinton states "Barack Obama is not the only one being inaugurated on January 20th. We all are. This moment in history demands that we stop waiting on others -- especially others living in Washington D.C. -- to solve the problems and right the wrongs of our times. It's your inauguration, too!" Love it. For more information:


On an unrelated note, I'm considering applying for Staten Island's own Community Board 1. Hrm...

Finally, since I'll be slaving away on Monday, a quick shout out to MLK:

"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve."

P.S. Did I mention one of my resolutions was to stop sucking at this blog? Yah, well, it is.
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