Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring has not sprung!

I use this title as I sit outside freezing my booty off waiting for the train. It's not nearly as cold as yesterday, but still cold! It is also ridiculously sunny today-something I usually am not able to experience unless I leave work for some reason. I think I have finally figured out my horrible commute, now I just have to learn 1) how to wake up as early as I need to to get to the office on time and 2) to pretty much not have any spare time. Seriously folks, I would not recommend jumping into a 4-5 hour commute without having it all sorted out first. I'm lucky to have a lot of options, but none of them are fantastic. I guess that's what happens when you travel halfway across a state and back everyday.

In making-my-life-simpler-healthier-and-better news, I'm so far a failure! I spent so much time working last night that I didn't unpack anything, and the fresh direct guy got in too late to cook. And I didn't wake up in time to workout (or do anything else for that matter). BUT-tomorrow is a new day. Tonight my focus is to get some extra work in so I can leave to party with E Friday night, and maybe get a short run in. That would be awesome. Food wise we're set-it's stir fry night!
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